Saturday, August 15, 2015

"friday meetups" -- wilderson mauro.

i love people. i love meeting new people & hearing them share their hearts, so i am very excited to be  adding this little thing i am going to call "friday meetup's" - i know it is not friday but this one took a little more time because i had to use my brother in haiti (guytho) to translate questions and then translate the answers to me. i really need to learn creole. hope you love getting to know wilderson as much as i do. my plan is to interview individuals that have left a mark on my heart & in hope their story touches you & inspires you in some way. so enjoy. 

background: wilderson came to CAD july of 2013. his parents died when he was very young & he was then living with his brother. things from his house came up missing & his brother accused him of stealing them, so his brother beat him. the police took him from his brother, they took him to a children's center & the centre brought him to CAD. 

life has a funny way of leading you to people that leave an imprint on your heart & change you in ways you never imagined. this amazing young man i had the honor to interview is wilderson mauro. he is in my thoughts every single day & in my prayers every single morning. my house has photos of him everywhere & it is a constant reminder to pray for him. i pray that he grows up to be the young man that the lord wants & changes the world in ways he never thought possible. i pray that he always keeps his faith in God & always puts God first in everything he does.

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

wilderson mauro

1. before you go to bed at night what do you pray for?
* i pray about  being a pastor. i want to be a pastor because i want to help people & pray for people to have faith in God. 

2. what is your favorite color?

3. what is your favorite food?
* rice & beans

4what is your favorite memory?
* when i came to CAD

5. favorite sport?

6. favorite chapter of the bible
*psalm 100

7. if you could change anything about the world what would it be & why?
*i would like to change all the bad things. a lot of people do the bad things & i want them to become new people & preach to them about jesus & let the world be new. 

8. when you die what do you want to be remembered for?
everything in this interview because it is always in my head

9. if you could learn anything what would it be?

10. if you could change anything about CAD what would it be?
* i would like more access to water.

i met wilderson december of 2013, a few months after he came to CAD & on my very first trip to haiti. he was very shy when we first met. when i left the first day at CAD i didn't even know his name. my last day at CAD he knew mine. i heard this little voice behind me one day saying my name & when i turned around & saw his face my heart was full of love. 

fast forward to may of 2014 & i would be headed to haiti once again. i knew we would be going to CAD & i couldn't contain my excitement. i would be seeing this little guy again. i would think about him everyday & i would ask cory questions like what do you think he is doing? do you think he is ok? do you think he has gotten a hug today? do you think someone has told him they loved him today?  i wonder if he will remember me. i wonder if he has gotten enough to eat or enough to drink. he was constantly on my mind as well as all the other kids at CAD. 

every single time i would go to haiti it got harder to leave but i also had a peace bc i knew i would be back. i knew the lord wouldn't put such passion in my heart for these kids & not allow me to go back.  december of 2014 i was supposed to go b but some things with the mission we stayed at were going a little grey so we decided not to go back there & looked for other options. you guys, not going in december was so hard for me bc all i could think about were these kids & not seeing them. 
when dd approached me about going this past april i jumped at the chance. planning & raising money started & before i knew it we were on the plane headed back to haiti. our first stop was CAD & i remember i couldn't find wilderson anywhere. so some of the kids went & got him & a few seconds later i heard his voice behind me saying my name. i was so excitedddddddd. he had gotten so much bigger, so much taller. it makes me sad that i miss so much not seeing him for that long. 

look how tall he is?

he is such a talented kid. 

in april i decided to hire guytho so he could go once a week to CAD & spend time with the kids & help them with their english. so sometimes i get to video chat with them &  those are my happiest days. guytho sends me pictures & he makes sure to give wilderson hugs & kisses for me. i don't think guytho knows how much of a blessing he is not only to me but to those kids. all of those kids look up to him like a big brother. 

june 2015 i went back for 10 days with luke 101 & we were at CAD for a few days. you can read about that trip here.

all the kids in haiti play soccer &  they are all amazing & make all the americans look like we have never played before. i got to watch him play soccer a lot this trip. 

this cutie. love this smile. 

these are pictures he took below. 

wilderson probably doesn't know this but i get pictures of him all the time hahahaha. next time i am there he is going to see all these pictures on my phone & wonder how they got there. 

he loves to help with worship. he loves to serve. always helping the little kids. always helping if he is asked & sometimes when he is not asked. marlene tells me he is a very nice young boy, very responsible & very respectful, he makes good grades because i check them when i am there. you already have the heart of a  pastor. wilderson mauro you are going to do great things. cory & i are so proud of you & the young man you are becoming. 

can't wait to see him in october.

i asked wilderson if there is anything we all could be praying for him about & he said his future.

mwen renmen widerson. 

-- E

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